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Auto Accident Chiropractic in Syosset

Woman with neck pain in car.When a person is in an automobile accident, both physical and emotional trauma may occur. While the physical trauma is obvious, the emotional trauma may also add to the stress on the nervous system.

When you’re hurting, we’re the experts you can turn to for help. Manetto Hill Chiropractic and Rehabilitation has over 20 years of experience in this area, and connections with top medical practitioners and attorneys in the New York Tri-state area, to provide the care and support you need.

The Discovery Process

The range of injuries suffered in an auto accident can range from sprains and strains, to massive physical trauma, and everything in between. It’s extremely easy to injure the discs in the neck and lower back during a crash. The head and lower back don’t have any substantial support, so they can be thrown in several directions from the impact, causing damage to the discs.

In most collisions, there’s no time to brace either, so injuries might be significant. It’s crucial to have a chiropractor check for problems that won’t show up on an X-ray. Over time, untreated injuries continue to cause deterioration of the spine, creating a degenerative process that could cause significant problems, even leading to surgery.

Looking at paperwork on desk

When You Come In

Patients are asked to bring any paperwork relevant to their claim. We are experts in tracking down any diagnostic tests that need to be done, whether it’s X-rays, hospital records, or discharge paperwork, and help them find attorney representation, when necessary.

We’re no-fault specialists in this area, working with approximately 500 attorneys on workers’ compensation, no-fault, or social security disability cases. Also, we work with an extensive network of experienced medical professionals, allowing us to refer out as needed.

As case coordinators, we know exactly what needs to be done to ensure you receive what you’re entitled to.

Call Us Today

Contact our office today to be assessed by Dr. Haas, our auto accident chiropractor. It’s important that you don’t allow the issue to go unchecked a moment longer.

Auto Accident Chiropractic in Syosset NY | (516) 932-3278