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New Patients at Manetto Hill Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

When you walk into our office, know that you are welcome! We care about each of our patients, and their families. Rest assured, we’re here to work with you to achieve optimum health and wellness, now and for a lifetime.

When booking an appointment, please advise if you would like the registration forms emailed prior to your visit. Bring your ID, insurance cards, and prior tests or imaging, if any, when you come in. Please allow 45 minutes for this visit.

Waiting room chairs

The Discovery Process

At Manetto Hill Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, we value you, your time, your health, and the trust you place in us. We want you to know and feel you’ve come to the right place for care. We won’t keep you sitting in the waiting room for hours; we’re gonna take care of you!

On the first visit, we do a detailed history and dig into your symptoms; what happened and how long have you been dealing with this problem. Next is a full physical examination from top to bottom—sitting, standing, and lying down. After Dr. Haas has determined what the problem is, you may be referred out for other testing at this time, as necessary.

Dr. Haas doesn’t believe in letting his patients sit around hurting; he’s going to do something about it. After he does the initial consultation and exam, unless otherwise indicated, you’ll receive some form of therapy to reduce your pain and discomfort. Depending on the patient, this might be intersegmental traction for disc problems, electrical stimulation, or riding the exercise bike to loosen up.

Financial Responsibility

Our staff members handle insurance verification upon your arrival. Patients are informed of their copay before going in with the doctor. Payment is requested at the end of the visit.

We accept most insurance, credit cards, assignments, and HSA plans. There are also several payment plans available; please speak with a staff member for more information.

Pain Relief Is Possible

We have the tools and therapies to ease your pain and discomfort. Book an appointment today. If you mention you found our practice through the website, you can get a free consultation and exam.

New Patients at Manetto Hill Chiropractic and Rehabilitation | (516) 932-3278